Essential Oils Heading to Market
Great Bear Rainforest Essential Oils will help CFN-GBI communities generate income from their abundant forests without cutting trees down.
Great Bear Rainforest Essential Oils will help CFN-GBI communities generate income from their abundant forests without cutting trees down.
The Nuxalk Nation has created a new apprenticeship program that ensures new homes and new home-building skills and opportunities for community residents.
In picturesque Klemtu, the heart of Kitasoo/Xai’xais Territory, a bustling new office officially opened in summer 2018.
Canada’s federal government has announced close to $6 million in funding for 28 Indigenous Guardians programs across the country, including support for the Coastal Guardian Watchmen.
CFN-GBI looks to turn values into practice through a critical look at its own carbon footprint.
Working with a range of partners, the Metlakatla Nation is undertaking a clam survey to better understand how the important coastal species is faring.
CFN-GBI is working with BC Hydro and provincial and federal governments to kickstart clean energy projects that will reduce emissions and improve energy efficiency in coastal communities.
After a highly successful period acting as CFN Board Chair, Patrick Kelly has decided “to hang up the paddle” and focus on other interests. We wish him the best!
Today, Heiltsuk leaders gathered in Vancouver to announce they are taking legal action for damages on the two-year anniversary of the Nathan E. Stewart spill.