Metlakatla, Nuxalk and Haida Guardians connect for a learning exchange

Story and photos by Emilee Gilpin

Coastal Guardians from CFN member Nations, who are known as the eyes and ears of their lands and waters, are visiting each other’s territories as a part of an ongoing Guardian exchange pilot project. Metlakatla, Haida and Nuxalk Guardians are participating in the swap — an opportunity to learn about their unique places, roles and responsibilities.

The Guardian Exchange is funded and supported by the BC Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS) and the Coastal Stewardship Network (CSN). Nicole Robinson, who is the Guardian Support Coordinator for CSN, says no two Nations are the same, but are all unique in their own ways. An exchange opportunity empowers Guardians to learn about each other’s territories, histories, and cultures and take that knowledge home, she says.

“It’s important for Guardians to learn about each other’s protocols, practices and laws,” she says, sitting in the Crest Hotel in Prince Rupert as humpbacks breach in the harbour below, feasting on fish during an unusually warm winter on the coast. “Guardians are the eyes and ears of their territories, they’re the first people on the scene, they know the weather, the climate, the rights and wrongs and it’s knowledge that’s been passed on for many years.”

Guardian Exchange

Haida Guardian Stanley Swanson, Stewardship Technician from Old Masset, Haida Gwaii.

Guardian Exchange
Guardian Exchange

Haida and Metlakatla Guardians before taking off for the day.

‘So Much to Protect’

Cliff Ryan has been a Metlakatla Guardian for the last six years. During this time, he’s had the opportunity to visit other Nations, through training programs and gatherings.

“It’s nice having Guardians come to our territory to show them what we do here,” he says, as he drives the Haida Guardians to a few of their islands in the territory. “Our work is all weather dependent. We’re always out monitoring our marine protected areas around our Nation. We do a lot of surveys for companies at the port. It’s very important to have Guardians in our areas, there’s so much to protect.”

“We know our areas better than anyone else,” he says.

Like Cliff, Tina Ryan has also been a Guardian with her Metlakatla First Nation for the past six years. She’s currently the Field Technician and Team Lead and one of the only female Guardians across the coast. Over the years, Tina and other Guardians have completed a number of different trainings, making them some of the most knowledgeable and equipped people on the coast. 

“We have our Small Vessel Operator ticket, first aid, marine first aid, swiftwater, Stewardship Technician training, search and rescue… we have a lot,” she says. Tina encourages youth and community members interested in becoming a Guardian to reach out, especially women.

Tina grew up in her territory, always out on the ocean with her late father, who was a well known fisherman, hunter, and provider for the community. She and her three sisters learned from a young age to seaweed pick, fish, “what to do and where to go on the ocean,” she says. The story is the same for many Guardians across the coast who grew up in their homelands and who carry generational knowledge which makes them uniquely equipped in any scenario.

From Paycheck to Passion

Robert Brown and Stanley Swanson are two Haida Guardians who traveled from Old Massett to visit Metlakatla as a part of the exchange. Robert, who’s in his 10th season as a Haida Guardian, says he works more on the enforcement side of things for his Nation.

“It’s really cool seeing what other Guardian programs do for work, compared to what we do. Part of our team works mostly on the enforcement side of things, with the same authorities as a DFO officer, we can issue citations for illegal activity.”

Robert says he used to do this work “for a paycheck,” but it quickly turned into a great passion.

“We get to travel and monitor all of Haida Gwaii. Chinni (grandfather) Steven used to say, ‘only take what we need and leave the rest for others,’ and I carry that in this work. We want to help people get back to that, to stop illegal fishing, commercial or geoduck divers over harvesting and educate people about our home and culture.”

Stanley works as a Stewardship Technician for his Nation. He says it’s been great to meet new people, see new lands and waters, and pick each other’s brains about their jobs.

“It’s really important to have this kind of exchange,” he says. “We’re all out in our territories, making sure things are going the way they should be. These guys do an amazing job and it’s great to have an opportunity to visit and learn.”

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