Fisheries Agreement Will Get Fishers Back on the Water

On July 26, 2019, Coastal First Nations signed an historic fisheries resources agreement with the Federal Government that will help revitalize fisheries throughout our coastal communities.

The fishing industry has always been an integral part of our economies, and healthy fish and marine ecosystems are fundamental to our economic and cultural wellbeing. However, for many years licensing regimes led to a conglomeration of licenses into investor and corporate hands without any regard for coastal communities and people.

The Fisheries Resources Reconciliation Agreement will create conditions where First Nations can fully participate in the fisheries economy that has been so foundational to our communities in the past, and it will re-establish a small boat fleet in our communities.

By working together with the Federal Government—on a nation-to-nation basis—we will provide opportunities for our communities to fully participate in this revitalized economy, which will create new jobs and investments, increase economic opportunities and build capacity.

This agreement will generate own-source revenue, additional licenses, associated vessels and gear, processing infrastructure and support management. It will also ensure First Nations have an enhanced role in collaborative governance, management and decision-making processes for fisheries throughout the North and Central Coast, and will allow for flexibility in community-based fisheries to support their long-term viability.

The seven First Nations participating in the agreement are: Heiltsuk Nation, Kitasoo/Xai’xais First Nation, Metlakatla First Nation, Nuxalk Nation, Wuikinuxv Nation, Gitga’at First Nation and Gitxaala Nation.

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