Coastal First Nations say no to oil port alternatives for Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Project

(Vancouver, April 28, 2016) – The Coastal First Nations say it’s a waste of time and money for Enbridge or the Federal Government to consider moving the end point of the Northern Gateway Project.

Coastal First Nations chair Kelly Russ said moving the end point of the Enbridge project from Kitimat to Prince Rupert or another port will not have any impact on how our communities view the project. “We remain firmly opposed to the project and are committed to ensuring that local economies and sensitive ecological areas are protected from impacts of an oil spill.”

Russ says it would be a mistake for the Liberal government to consider another port for Northern Gateway. “We had hoped that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s directive for a moratorium on oil tanker traffic on BC’s north coast put an end to Northern Gateway.”

Oil tankers in our traditional waters are a threat to our cultures, environment and economy. “We will continue to protect our rights and the interests of future generations,” he said.

The Coastal First Nations has had a ban on oil tankers since March 2010.

The Coastal First Nations are an alliance of First Nations that includes the Wuikinuxv Nation, Heiltsuk, Kitasoo/Xaixais, Nuxalk, Gitga’at, Metlakatla, Old Massett, Skidegate, and Council of the Haida Nation that works together to create a sustainable economy on British Columbia’s North and Central Coast and Haida Gwaii.



For more information:


Kelly Russ

Chair, Coastal First Nations

604-696-9889 or 604-828-4621 (cell)


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