Coastal First Nations support the Liberal government’s plan to put moratorium on oil tanker traffic in north coast

Vancouver, November 5, 2015 – The Coastal First Nations (CFN) support the Liberal government’s plan to put a moratorium on oil tanker traffic on BC’s north coast.

The CFN also would like the Liberal government to keep its commitment to cancel Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipeline. We believe its strategy paper “Protecting Our Oceans” aligns well with CFN’s objectives, particularly the commitment to “formalize the moratorium on crude oil tanker traffic on British Columbia’s North Coast, including the Dixon Entrance, Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound, to ensure that ecologically sensitive areas and local economies are protected from the potentially devastating impacts of a spill.”

CFN president Chief Marilyn Slett said oil tankers in our traditional waters are a threat to our culture, environment and coastal economy. “Our communities have Aboriginal Title and Rights to the lands and waters. This includes the right and responsibility to maintain and to protect the resources within our lands and waters.”

Our position on the Northern Gateway Pipeline project has always been clear and consistent. In March 2010 the CFN declared a ban on oil tanker traffic through our waters. “We, along with our allies, will continue to take any actions necessary to ensure no oil tankers pass through our waters,” Slett said.

Millions of dollars have been invested in developing a sustainable coastal economy. “It is us who will bear all the risks of an oil spill,” she said.

Slett added the CFN leadership looks forward to meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Liberal government to move forward on these important issues.

The Coastal First Nations are an alliance of First Nations that includes the Wuikinuxv Nation, Heiltsuk, Kitasoo/Xaixais, Nuxalk, Gitga’at, Metlakatla, Old Massett, Skidegate, and Council of the Haida Nation working together to create a sustainable economy on British Columbia’s North and Central Coast and Haida Gwaii.


For more information:

Chief Marilyn Slett

President, Coastal First Nations



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