Coastal First Nations Community Storyteller Emilee Gilpin in conversation with Haíɫzaqv cultural…
Iljulaawas Barbara (Babs) Stevens is from the Ts’aahl/Kay’ahl Laanas clan. She recently…
As Nuskmata Jacinda Mack drives her son’s car full of corn,…
Angel and Joe Turner are hardworking and loving parents to their six…
Staast David Elliot Vanderhoop took off early one morning with a plate…
Coastal Guardians have been involved in a range of research and conservation efforts to help protect bears throughout the Great Bear Rainforest.
With their dedicated presence on coastal waters, Coastal Guardians are advancing our collective understanding of whales and how best to protect them.
The Heiltsuk and other Coastal Guardians have been working to eradicate invasive green crabs for more than a decade.
Coastal Guardians conduct regular creekwalks to assess salmon populations and aid long-term restoration efforts.