We support Coastal Guardian Watchmen and the stewardship offices of Coastal First Nations by:

  • Facilitating monthly conference calls for Coastal Guardian Watchmen and Coastal Guardian Watchmen Coordinators;
  • Organizing Annual Gatherings that provide an opportunity for Coastal Guardian Watchmen and other stewardship staff to come together to build relationships, and share information and experiences;
  • Coordinating Learning Exchanges with other Indigenous groups to share knowledge and experiences about their work; 
  • Developing communications and outreach tools to raise awareness about the activities of Coastal Guardian Watchmen and other First Nations’ stewardship staff.


CSN Annual Gathering

Since 2008, CSN has held annual gatherings for Coastal Guardian Watchmen and other stewardship staff can come together, and share stories and ideas about regional stewardship efforts across the North and Central Coast and Haida Gwaii.

The gatherings feature a unique mix of hands-on field training, such as environmental monitoring techniques and communications training for compliance and enforcement, along with high-level discussions about shared priorities and belief systems that guide stewardship work. The gatherings involve participation from community Elders, who share knowledge and wisdom with all participants.

See the following summaries and final reports from previous gatherings: