
Coastal Stewardship Network

The Coastal Stewardship Network (CSN) provides programming and support to Guardian programs and stewardship offices of CFN member First Nations.

Each CFN member Nation has a Stewardship Office or Department, governed by their Nation and led by a Stewardship Director that employs Guardians and other staff to undertake work based on Nation-specific priorities. In addition to overseeing the efforts of their own Nation, these directors work together to achieve stewardship goals that span the North and Central Coast and Haida Gwaii. 

CSN supports these Guardian teams and other stewardship staff, while encouraging a coordinated approach to First Nations stewardship across the broader coastal region.

History of Coastal Stewardship

For as long as settlements have existed along the Pacific Coast, First Nations people have cared for the region’s lush ecosystems and abundant wildlife. Although separated by vast distances, tall mountains and deep waterways, these Nations share similar traditions and customs, and a responsibility to protect and manage these coastal ecosystems.

For decades, First Nations’ governance of their own territories was disrupted or outlawed by colonial governments. Today, First Nations are taking back their governance role as managers and guardians of their territories.

In 2005, stewardship leaders from the North and Central Coast and Haida Gwaii agreed it was time to work together to form a collective presence on the coast. They wanted to create a standard training program and regional monitoring approach (ultimately leading to CSN’s current Training program and Regional Monitoring System). As land and marine plans were finalized, they knew it would be most effective to work together to implement them and other sustainable resource management initiatives.

That initial plan for collaboration led to the creation of a regional network of Coastal Guardians (initially called the Coastal Guardian Watchmen Network and now the Coastal Stewardship Network) that continues to monitor, steward and protect these coastal territories, and a collective vision for effective stewardship across the coast.

Explore Our Initiatives

Learn more about Stewardship initiatives.


CFN produces a wide range of reports, fact sheets and other publications. Check back regularly, as we will post new resources here.

Coastal Guardian Watchmen: Stewarding the Coast for All


Coastal Stewardship Network Brochure


Guardian Program Strategic Plan


Making a Positive Difference: Evaluation of STTP


Valuing Coastal Guardian Watchmen Programs: A Business Case


Guardian Watchmen: Upholding Indigenous Laws to Protect Land and Sea


Indigenous Guardians Toolkit


Environmental Laws: A Field Guide for BC’s Central and North Coast and Haida Gwaii


Explore other initiatives

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