The impacts of climate change continue to affect communities throughout the North Pacific Coast.

Over the past few decades, communities have experienced first-hand the destructive effects of climate change in many different ways, including unprecedented drought and heat waves that have led to major marine die-offs and other catastrophes.

CFN member communities are committed to minimizing climate change impacts by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, as well as becoming climate resilient, adaptable, and secure.

A Clean Energy Future


Coastal First Nations are working with member communities to achieve a clean energy future. We’re working to enhance local economies and protect the natural environment by reducing dependency on fossil fuel. Initiatives include:

  • Community Clean Energy Projects
  • Ultra-Energy Efficient, Culturally Appropriate New Homes Initiative
  • Improving the Existing Housing Stock
  • Engaging Communities


Some of our communities still rely on diesel to heat and power their homes and infrastructure. Diesel is expensive, greenhouse gas intensive and its exhaust is known to cause cancer. We’re working to end diesel dependency by introducing clean energy initiatives that:

  • Protect human health
  • Improve air quality & reduce our contribution to climate change
  • Support strong, energy efficient communities