Building a Sustainable Future

A Coastal Alliance

The Great Bear Initiative Society (a non-profit society under the BC Societies Act), also known as Coastal First Nations-Great Bear Initiative (CFN), is an alliance of First Nations on the North Pacific Coast that includes the Gitga’at, Gitxaała, Haida, Heiltsuk, Kitasoo Xai’Xais, Metlakatla, Nuxalk and Wuikinuxv First Nations. 

CFN is dedicated to improving the quality of life for its citizens across the coast by creating new jobs and sustainable economic opportunities, while protecting the Great Bear Rainforest—the largest and most ecologically significant temperate rainforest in the world.

Each member Nation has a distinct culture, governance and territory. However, all coastal Nations share a deep connection to the riches of the rainforest and ocean; the basis for our culture, language and livelihoods for tens of thousands of years.

For thousands of years, our people carefully managed these resources—ancient cedars, herring, salmon, halibut, shellfish and more. We relied on our knowledge of seasonal cycles to harvest land and marine resources without harming or depleting them.

We Support

  • Land and marine planning throughout the Great Bear region.
  • Increased First Nations authority and management of forestry and fisheries.
  • Sustainable economic development through ecosystem-based management.
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Restoring our Stewardship role

By the end of the 1990s, the Great Bear’s land and marine resources were being rapidly depleted by heavy industrial logging and commercial fishing.

At the same time, the coastal economy had dwindled, jobs were scarce and our communities struggled. First Nations had limited access to resources in our territories and little say in how they were managed.

A new approach was needed.

The Great Bear Initiative (formerly Turning Point) was created to assert First Nations leadership in rebuilding a conservation-based economy in our Traditional Territories.

In 2000, leaders from the North and Central Coast and Haida Gwaii came together to sign the Declaration of First Nations of the North Pacific Coast. Three years later, in 2003, a coast-wide alliance was born.

The Declaration

Our Goal

Restore sustainable resource management practices to protect ecosystems, ​​​​​​​And improve the quality of life for coastal communities.


What We Do

CFN works to protect the cultural and natural resources of its member Nations, promoting economic self-sufficiency and sustainable development throughout the North and Central Coast and Haida Gwaii.


Protected and restored ecosystems in our lands and waters, managed sustainably by member First Nations, enabling traditional and modern economies, improving the quality of life of the people in our communities, giving rise to healthy First Nations.


Based on the inherent rights and leadership of member First Nations of Coastal First Nations, protect and conserve the environment and work in partnership with all levels of Government, NGOs and others to create a new conservation-based economy within the respective Traditional Territories.


We recognize our responsibilities to future generations;

We will advance our influence through the affirmation of our Title and Rights;

Our respect for nature will continue to guide our decisions;

We seek self-reliance and will design our economies to respect our life source;

We will share our experiences and support each other to mutual advantage;

We will respect territorial prerogatives and develop protocols to formalize interplay;

Our Nations will celebrate our cultural differences while honouring our family ties.

Our Communities

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Declaration of First Nations of the North Pacific Coast

In 2000, First Nations leaders from the North Pacific Coast came together to sign the CFN Declaration.

Our Stories

Read the latest news and articles from CFN member communities.

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Who We Are

The Great Bear Initiative Society (a non-profit society under the BC Societies Act), also known as Coastal First Nations-Great Bear Initiative (CFN), is an alliance of First Nations on the North Pacific Coast that includes the Gitga’at, Gitxaała, Haida, Heiltsuk, Kitasoo Xai’xais, Metlakatla, Nuxalk and Wuikinuxv First Nations. 

CFN is dedicated to improving the quality of life for its citizens across the coast by creating new jobs and sustainable economic opportunities, while protecting the largest and most ecologically significant temperate rainforest in the world.

Meet the team


Current Job Opportunities

Please check back regularly, as all current CFN job opportunities will be posted here.


The Great Bear Initiative Society operates under the direction of a Board of Directors, with one representative from each of the member Nations.

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