For Future Generations

Planning for Marine Uses – Protecting Ecosystems

The first of its kind in BC and unique on a global scale, MaPP is:

  • Collaboratively led by First Nations and the Province of BC.
  • Informed by traditional, scientific and local knowledge.
  • Shaped by community values and interests, scientific information, and input from coastal stakeholders and the public.
  • Based on an ecosystem-based management approach (EBM) that integrates human well-being, ecological integrity and First Nations governance

MaPP plans support multiple marine uses while protecting ecosystems and respecting First Nations Title and Rights, helping to:

Provide zoning and direction on how a wide variety of marine and ocean activities can take place, such as:

  • Log handling
  • Tourism
  • Alternative energy opportunities
  • Aquaculture

Provide protection for sensitive ecosystems through Protection Management Zoning

The Great Bear Sea

Greenfire Productions

MaPP Planning Area

Seventeen First Nations communities are now working to implement MaPP plans for four sub-regions:

  • Central and North Coast, and Haida Gwaii (Traditional Territories of CFN members)
  • North Vancouver Island (Traditional Territories of Nanwakolas Council members)